Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Eden Park

Driving home on Tuesday the 15(April) from work, I noticed "the perfect light". Traveling South on I-71 the sun in the Western sky, I noticed it. Always looking to photgraph something unigue, I had noticed the castle to the left on my ride home a couple weeks ago. and I just had to go shoot a couple of shots. The castle is located next door to WCPO, channel 9, and also at the base of Eden Park. I took a dozen shoots of the castle, and decided to visit Eden Park in the this "perfect light".
I didn't have much time, but wanted to get a couple of shoots of Mirror Lake,and of the Gazebo. It was a beautiful day, and the park was humming with people. Joggers with dogs, and other ran around the lake. And others ran on the sidewalk along the road. It was clear about one thing, Spring had came to Cincinnati.

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