Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Science and Faith

"Approaching Science from a Biblical Perspective"
Mark W.Combs

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Fishing at AJ Jolly

These are old pics, but it is with the new fallen snow. I long for warmer weather.

Monday, June 30, 2008

12th Annual Garden Walk

Courtesy of the East Row Garden Club, the 12th annual Garden Walk took place this past weekend. there were 8 different gardens to explore, and enjoy. This makes my first garden walk, and did not know what to expect. The properties that we had a opportunity to admire were simply stunning. The home owners were able to transform some non-descript location into to some of the most quint usable spaces. the use of color and landscape in some locations just highly imaginable. It was wonderful day to take this wonderful little tour. Even though there were only 8 gardens, it was definitely a workout. When we were finished, sore feet and legs were to be had by all. If you missed the garden walk this year, it is worth the look, and a need to be put on the calender for '09. For the East Row Garden Club, kudos.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Deer on Mt Nebo Road

I was doing some family history stuff, and just happened to be on Mt Nebo Road in Cleves Ohio. I was driving up the road, and I came across these two brave souls. They acted as if they were used to people, so I was able to get a few good pictures. I have nothing against hunters, and they are needed. But I would shoot these with my camera instead of my guns. They are truly a beautiful creature.

Bird and Wildlife Photography

This was my first birding pic. I have photograghing buildings,people, and other inanimated objects. So I thought how tough could it be to photograph wildlife and birds? Well, how wrong was I? One thing about birds, they are in constant motion. Just getting the shot is half the effort. Plus it made me aware of the short comings of my digital camera. I thought a camera is a camera, Not so.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Eden Park

Driving home on Tuesday the 15(April) from work, I noticed "the perfect light". Traveling South on I-71 the sun in the Western sky, I noticed it. Always looking to photgraph something unigue, I had noticed the castle to the left on my ride home a couple weeks ago. and I just had to go shoot a couple of shots. The castle is located next door to WCPO, channel 9, and also at the base of Eden Park. I took a dozen shoots of the castle, and decided to visit Eden Park in the this "perfect light".
I didn't have much time, but wanted to get a couple of shoots of Mirror Lake,and of the Gazebo. It was a beautiful day, and the park was humming with people. Joggers with dogs, and other ran around the lake. And others ran on the sidewalk along the road. It was clear about one thing, Spring had came to Cincinnati.

Sharon Woods

I have worked in Sharonville for 22 years. Just up the road is located Sharon Woods park. It has been crazy at work lately, so I needed to get out. On the way home I pass Sharon Woods on 275, and been thinking about checking it out. So on Friday the 11 April, I headed to the "Woods". It was a rainy day, but that didn't matter. With camera in hand, and Arby's in the lunch bag I went to see what I've been missing. Sharon Woods is one of nineteen parks in Hamilton County. It covers 730 acres a 35 acre lake,golf coarse,Heritage Village Museum with 19th century builds. Paved trails for hiking and biking.
Since it was raining I thought I'd just drive around. But right after entering the park off of Lebanon Road, I pulled into the parking lot of the Heritage Village Museum. Since it was raining, and I have never seen this before, I decided to explore. Outside the spring color were bright and aromatic. I enter a building that put me in mind of an old mill. They have a gift shop had all kind of items, field guides, t shirts, nature prints... it was a really nice little place. To the left, you had a kids play area(which was good since it was raining). And further into the building was the Heritage Village itself. But in the middle of all this a common area where these location finger off. There is also an exit to go to the trails and play area. Since i was on lunch, I had to watch the time. and it got away from me way to fast. So with my new discovery, I vowed to come back.
Into the car, and back to work. It was a nice lunch break, and I know I will spend more time in Sharon Woods. Spring showers bring May flowers!
See ya in the woods!